Special Needs
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Our pre-school aims to have regard to the DfES (Department for. Education and Skills). Code of Practice on special educational needs and also to follow the guidelines supplied to private and voluntary providers of pre- schoo1 education. We aim to provide a welcome, and appropriate learning opportunities, for all children. We work closely with the children’s parents in the group to ensure that;
- the group draws upon the knowledge and expertise of parents in planning provision for the child.
- the child’s progress and achievements are shared and discussed with the parents on a regular basis.
- parents know the identity of the group’s special educational needs co-ordinator.
- parents are aware of the arrangements for the admission and integration of children with special educational needs.
If it is felt that a child’s needs cannot be met in the pre-school without additional personnel and (or equipment, funding will be sought to ensure that provision is appropriate to the child’s needs.
We work and liaise with the relevant professionals and agencies outside the group to meet children’s specific needs. If you would like to discuss the pre-schools ability to meet your child’s special needs, please talk to a member of staff. A full Special Needs policy is available for inspection.
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Burley Gate Pre-School Group
Felton and Preston Wynne Memorial Hall
Preston Wynne
Registered Charity Number 1041002