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Pre- School Learning Alliance
Website:www.pre -school.org.uk
Alexandra House
33 Kingsway, London WC2B 6SE
Tel No: 020 74216600
Fax No: 020 7421 6707
Website: www. ofsted gor.uk
Email: geninfo@ofsted. gev.uk
The Office for Standards in Education is a non-ministerial government department
that manages the system of schoo1 inspection.
ACE (Advisory. Centrefor: Educatin)
Tel No: 020 73548318
Fax No: 020 73549069
Website: www. ace-ed.org.uk
Email: ace [email protected]
ACE is an independent national advice centre for parents.
Burley Gate C of E Primary School
Burley Gate
Hereford. HR1 3QR
Tel No: 01432 820367
Fax No: 01432 820367
Website: www. burleygate. hereford. sch. uk
Email: Click here to email Burley Gate School
Childline UK
Websit: www. childline. org.uk
Alpha Designs
Tel No: 01432890332
Fax No: 01432 890332
Website: www. alphadesigns.co.uk
Email: Click here to email Alpha Designs
Alpha Designs can provide an effective web presence at an affordable price.
Website Design, Website Marketing and Website Management for small businesses and organisations.
The Charity Commission
Woodfield House
Tangier, Taunton
Somerset. TA1 4BL
Tel No: 0870 3330123
Fax No: 01823 345002
Website: www. charity-commission.gov.uk
Email: feedback@charity- commission.gov.uk
The Charity Commission maintains a database of registered charities and provides
help and assistance on all aspects of charitable registration and operations.
Awards for All
Awards for A1l is a grants programme set up to help small groups. It is supported by
the Heritage Lottery Fund. the Arts Council of England. Sport England. the New
Opportunities Fund and the Community Fund.
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Burley Gate Pre-School Group
Felton and Preston Wynne Memorial Hall
Preston Wynne
Registered Charity Number 1041002