Burley Gate
Pre School
Giving children
opportunities to
talk, listen and
using new words.
Encouraging self
esteem and
Giving children
opportunities to
develop an
understanding of
number, shapes
and size.
Solve problems
and make
Giving children
the knowledge to
know what they
need to be
healthy and safe.
Explore and
share their
thoughts and
text only
Giving Your Children A Head Start
At Burley Gate Pre-School children learn effectively through play. We aim to , support and encourage children in their activities without intruding on their play. including any child with special needs and those from different culural backgrounds.
Regular activities include:
- Painting & drawing
- Music & rhymes
- Sand & water play
- Books & storytelling
- Dough & clay
- Fun with food
- Adventure and Imaginative play
Our toys, books and equipment are particularly suited to the 3- 5 year age group with additional equipment for our younger children. Your child has a free choice of books which they can bring home to share with you. This encourages awareness of a variety of books, the correct way to handle them and an awareness of the printed word as a basis for reading. We will offer your child a specially tailored curriculum leading to nationally approved learning outcomes using different themes, (for example – food and celebrations).
This will cover:
- Personal & social development
- Knowledge & understanding of the world
- Language and literacy
- Physical development
- Foundations for mathematics
- Creative development
- Information technology and Music
Early Learning Goals
Here at Burley Gate Pre-School we use the Early Learning Goals as stepping stones for our children. Each child’s development is unique and special. That is why we create an individual record for each child in our group.
We begin by completing an initial child profile (THIS IS NOT A TEST) which provides us with information on the levels of development and learning that child had reached by the time he she starts nursery. A1l records are confidential and available only to parents.
The abilities and skills of all children vary and the information we gain from the initial child profile will ensure that we can effectively build on each child’s skills.We will then assess the children termly;, recording achievements and levels of development in the six areas of learning identified by the School Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
These are physical development, mathematics, language and literacy, personal and social development, creative development and knowledge and understanding of the world. The assessments are ongoing. carried out informally and carried out within the structure of the child’s normal daily activities.
When your child’s time at Burley Gate Pre-School is over the records will be given to you. You may wish to keep them or pass them on to your child’s reception teacher as a means of introducing your child to them.
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Burley Gate Pre-School Group
Felton and Preston Wynne Memorial Hall
Preston Wynne
Registered Charity Number 1041002