About Us
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Burley Gate Pre-School Group opened in 1977 and is based at Felton and Preston Wynne Memorial Hall just off the A465 between Burley Gate and W ithington).
Our Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education) inspected premises are situated in the heart of rural Herefordshire. Burley Gate C of E (Church. of England) Primary School with whom we have very strong links with, and is the main feeder schoo1 is situated 5 minutes away.
We are Ofsted accredited which enables us to provide free places for eligible 3 year olds and we are a member of the Pre-School Learning Alliance. Both our policy statements and Ofsted report are available for view upon request. Our staff are all trained or undergoing training in childcare, first aid and health and .
safety. We are a community based registered charity offering a high standard of education to children aged from 2 years 6 months to 5 years within a happy, friendly and caring environment.
The pre-school operates under a management committee of parents who are responsible for the policies, finance and staffing. This same group organise fund raising events to help support and enhance our aims.
At Burley Gate Pre-School your children can enjoy a wide range of activities that are tailored to the foundation stage and stepping stones guidelines approved by Ofsted. Our extensive range of indoor equipment is complemented by our fully enclosed and secure garden area.
We also have the use of the schools playing field, outdoor classroom and nature reserve. At Burley Gate Pre-Schoo1 the children are closely supervised and we actively promote positive behaviour and encourage each child to develop confidence. self esteem and to become an independent 1earner.
We have an excellent adult/child ratio, usually 1 adult to 5 children, which we believe is hard to beat. This is made up of our regular staff and parents who assist them under our ‘parent helper’ scheme.
Parents are the main educators for their children, this is why we establish early relationships with parents.
We are a very friendly, welcoming. informative and available group who believe the home and pre-school relationship should be a two way process, with opportunities for knowledge, expertise and information flowing freely both ways.
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Burley Gate Pre-School Group
Felton and Preston Wynne Memorial Hall
Preston Wynne
Registered Charity Number 1041002